Bat Mitzvah Photographer in Palo Alto -Shaya’s Bat Mitzvah at The Corinthian Ballroom in San Jose, CA

Shaya is an incredible girl and her discipline and talent paid off recently when she won the National Junior Dance Competition.  So I had her do a lot of spinning for me when I took her portraits as no-one spins better than Shaya.  She had a ballerina themed Bat Mitzvah in San Jose at the Corinthian Ballroom in San Jose, CA and it was so much fun and each centerpiece had a pair of ballet shoes hanging from it.  I really love this family and wish them many more successes and happiness.

Bat Mitzvah Photographer at Stinson Beach, Marin County. Lily Stern.

Lily’s super fun bat mitzvah was at the Stinson Beach Community Center. Everything about it was awesome.  Look at eh super fun and colorful Bat Mtizvah photos (And let’s hear it for chocolate fountains!) There were so many activities to photograph at her bat mitzvah like the t shirt and hat designing to the rad photo booth.  Everyone had a blast and I had a blast being the bat mitzvah photographer!  I  mean look at those faces!